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Meet Erick, Head Chef at the School of Hope

September 6, 2019

It’s our pleasure to introduce the brains and hands behind the well-oiled machine that is the kitchen at the School of Hope! This week, we had the opportunity to talk to Chef  Erick, ask him about his team and let him share his story with us! Keep reading to learn more about the lives of the people that make the wonderful food served at the School of Hope. 


Head Chef Erick  is from Antigua, Guatemala and currently lives with his wife and two kids in Jocotenango where the School of Hope (SoH) is located. Thanks to the Education for the Children Foundation, Erick has a job he loves that also supports his family!

Chef Erick started cooking 10 years ago and studied at The Chef’s Center Culinary School in the heart of Antigua. There he learned all the techniques that make him an amazing chef today! When at home with his family, Erick’s favorite thing to cook is asado. YUM! Asado is slow roasted meat that is very popular in Central and South America and takes a lot of practice to perfect. But we’ve eaten enough meals at the SoH to be confident in saying: we bet Chef Erick makes it look easy!



He started working at the School of Hope a few years ago, and for that, we are so grateful! Everyday, Erick and his team start prepping and cooking at 6:45 in the morning to make sure everything can be finished in time and also, that it all tastes delicious. The School of Hope has an amazing kitchen team that works so hard alongside our head chef! There are three other chefs: Edwin, Cristina and Marina, as well as the sweet, wonderful dishwasher Ana Luisa. 

In Guatemala; 66% of the population lives on roughly $1 a day, and 50% of children under the age of five suffer from stunted growth and poor health due to chronic malnutrition (World Food Programme). So, we take nutrition very seriously and know that it can have a huge impact on a student’s studies, behavior and overall quality of life. Thanks to our sponsors, students attending the School of Hope don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, and they can just focus on their learning. With a Project Apoyo Nutrition Sponsorship, just $20/month covers all meals and snacks for a student at the School of Hope.



During the school day, the students at the School of Hope are served a delicious and healthy snack and lunch.

“My favorite part of being the chef for the school is how much the students enjoy the food that our team prepares.” 

All of their hard work and early mornings pay off when they see the smiles on the kids’ faces. In the future, Erick hopes that the students can receive breakfast on top of their snack and lunch during the school day. And, while the children currently eat their meals in the classroom, Erick also hopes that soon there will be a lunch room where all the students can eat their meals together! 

We believe that you can’t excel in school on an empty stomach. Do you agree? If so,  join the Apoyo family as a nutrition sponsor. It’s just $20 a month and has a lasting impact on our students. Sign up today!


Hannah Puddy
Project Apoyo Intern

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Thank you for all you do! Thank you also for giving us a glimpse into your daily life. Leah


Very good article. I am excited to be part of this project.